This article will cover some of the most common settings people configure when first setting up a project.

Graph Data Range

The data range may need to be changed from Current Period to Last Period depending on user preference. This setting dictates whether a “Days” worth of data represents the last 24 hours or the current day starting at midnight (same concept for week, month, and year). To change this please see the Change Dashboard Settings article.


Alerts allow users to get notified automatically when a parameter goes outside the expected range and take corrective action before a problem occurs. There are some typical Diagnostic Data alerts that are useful in most situations. For more information on setting up an alert please see the Add a Quick Alert article.

  • Last Contact: This will allow the user to be notified if the device is no longer connecting to WQData LIVE. Without this notification, it is easy to lose data for an extended period if the project is not closely monitored. The value used for this alarm is dependent on the expected transmission schedule. Typically an alert would be set up to send if more than 2 transmissions are missed.
  • Input Power: This will allow the user to be notified if the system power drops below the acceptable range so that new batteries can be installed or solar systems can be inspected before data loss occurs. The threshold used for this alert depends on the power source. Some recommended thresholds are below for common power sources.
    • G2-BAT-2D: 6.8V
    • G2-BAT-3D or -6D: 10.2V
    • 12V Solar System: 11.1V
    • 6V Solar System: 5.5V
  • Internal Pressure/Temperature/Humidity: These three values can be used to ensure the system remains in an acceptable operating environment. If the pressure increases it may indicate a blocked vent port or internal battery damage. A high humidity value may indicate water incursion. To determine a useful threshold for these values determine a typical range for the device’s deployment location.
  • Cell Signal Strength: The cell signal strength is a good indication of how reliable the cellular connection will be. Think about the value like bars of service on a phone. The closer the value is to 0 the stronger the signal. A value of -113 is typically the lowest value where communication is possible. Most applications want to keep this value above -95. An acceptable range in most situations is -60 to -90, but the alert should be configured based on the specific location’s conditions.

Adding Collaborators and Admins

WQData LIVE allows project data to be shared with others. By adding a registered colleague to the Users list they will be able to view or edit the site depending on the level of access granted. To modify the Users list please see the Add or Remove a User article.

Modify Device Configuration

The default device configuration may not be appropriate for a specific application. If the record or transmit intervals need to be modified or another setting changed please see the related article in the Device Configuration section.


Additional settings and configuration instructions are available in the Project Management section.