Sites are used to assign data to a specific location in a WQData LIVE project and Devices are the physical entities that collect the data (i.e. An X2 or a G2-Series device).

  1. Navigate to the Project and Site Settings dialog
    1. If following along with the getting started tutorial the dialog will appear automatically after creating a project
    2. If adding a new site or device to an existing project, click on the gear box in the site panel
  2. Click CREATE to make a new site
  3. Give the site a name
  4. Enter the location by either clicking on the map and clicking on a location or by entering the latitude and longitude
    1. The Use device GPS option will continually update the map location based on an attached GPS sensor if this is available for the device type
  5. Use the slider to choose a default zoom level
  6. Assign devices to the site.
    1. Enter a “Claim Code” (found on product quick start or box) into the dialog and click ADD NEW
  7. The device will now appear in the Assigned Devices list and can subsequently be removed from the site by clicking the arrow to move it back to the Unassigned Devices list
  8. Repeat to add multiple sites or devices
  9. Click SAVE

This concludes the Getting Started Tutorial. The project can now be customized based on personal preferences and project needs. See Typical Project Setup for recommendations.